Tuesday, February 9, 2010




it's a Concept


inputs from {"util", YAHOO.Shopping.util.onloadComponents = ["http:\/\/l.yimg.com\/a\/lib\/uh\/js\/uh-1.3.0.js","http:\/\/l.yimg.com\/a\/lib\/yui\/2.7.0\/build\/animation\/animation-min.js","http:\/\/l.yimg.com\/a\/lib\/shop\/s2\/sh_carousel_200904101603.js","http:\/\/l.yimg.com\/a\/lib\/shop\/s2\/sh_ult_200904101603.js","http:\/\/l.yimg.com\/a\/lib\/shop\/s2\/sh_onloadglobal_200904101603.js","http:\/\/l.yimg.com\/a\/lib\/yui\/2.7.0\/build\/get\/get-min.js","http:\/\/l.yimg.com\/a\/lib\/yui\/2.7.0\/build\/datasource\/datasource-min.js","http:\/\/l.yimg.com\/a\/lib\/yui\/2.7.0\/build\/autocomplete\/autocomplete-min.js","http:\/\/l.yimg.com\/a\/lib\/shop\/s2\/sh_autocomplete_200904101603.js"]; YAHOO.util.Event.on(window, "load", YAHOO.Shopping.util.initOnload, YAHOO.Shopping.util, true);, "follow", What to Do: Donate Money, Follow Events, Join Groups, "22bahman", RT @IEN88: #iran #iranelection #22Bahman Event announced for #Oslo, Norway, tomorrow: Rally outside Iranian embassy... http://bit.ly/93T2Oh, "function", (function(){ var regexp=/\s*(?:\d+|many)\s+more\s*/i; var auto_more_count = 2; function auto_more(){ var $more_link = $('#more-experiment a'); $more_link.each(function(){ var $lastitem = $('#firehoselist>div.fhitem:visible:last'); if ( Bounds.intersect(window, $lastitem) ) { // _any_ click can trigger, but click-specific ad will win setTimeout(function(){ inlineAdFirehose($lastitem, 1); }, 0); //setFirehoseAction(); //$more_link.click(); !--auto_more_count && (auto_more=undefined); // don't allow a call till the next paginate gets built and |more_possible| $(document).unbind('scroll', call_auto_more); } }); }; function call_auto_more(){ auto_more && auto_more(); } $('#more-experiment a'). live('more-possible', function( event ){ var $more_link=$(this); if ( regexp.test($more_link.text()) ) { $(document).bind('scroll', call_auto_more); } else { $(document).unbind('scroll', call_auto_more); } }); })();, $(function(){ // on document ready $('input[id^=tab-input-]'). each(function(){ var tab_id = this.id.substr('tab-input-'.length); $(this). blur(function(){ firehose_save_tab(tab_id); }). keypress(function(event){ var RETURN=13, SPACE=32; var $this = $(this); switch ( event.which || event.keyCode ) { case RETURN: case SPACE: firehose_save_tab(tab_id); return false; default: return true; } }); }) });, "switch", "event", var firehose_delete_section, update_section; (function(){ var $section_menu = $any('firehose-sections'); function save_menu(){ if ( !check_logged_in() ) { return false; } // tell the server our current (ordered) list of sections ajax_update({ op: 'firehose_save_section_menu', reskey: reskey_static, fsids: $section_menu. children('li:not(#fhsection-unsaved)'). map(function(){ return this.id.slice(10); }).get().join(',') }); } function unsaved(){ var $unsaved = $any('fhsection-unsaved'); if ( !$unsaved.length ) { ($unsaved = $(unsaved.template).prependTo($section_menu)).metadata().id = 'unsaved'; } return $unsaved; } var section_matching; (function(){ var signatures={}, ids={}, ws=/\s+/, id_prefix=/^fhsection-/, default_color = { stories: 'green', recent: 'blue', popular: 'green', daddypants: 'indigo' }; function init_metadata( el ){ var $el=$(el), result=$el.metadata({ type:'elem', name:'script' }); $el.find('script[type=data]').remove(); return result; } function signature( section ){ return section.viewname + ';' + (section.color||default_color[section.viewname]) + ';' + $.trim(section.filter).toLowerCase().split(ws).sort().join(' '); } section_matching = function( data ){ var have_id = $section_menu.metadata().active_id, have = signatures[have_id], want = signature(data), want_id = (have_id==='unsaved'||want!==have) ? ids[want] : have_id, $want = want_id && firehose_section_menu_item(want_id), want_section = want_id && $want.length && $want.metadata(); return want_section; }; update_section = function( el, update, opts ){ var section = init_metadata(el), id = section.id, // assert(id); oldsig = signatures[id], newsig = signature($.extend(section, // Make the color explicit. !section.color && { color:default_color[section.viewname] }, // Roll-in the updated data, if any; but protect the id. update, { id:id } )); // Update the signatures that let us match properties to existing sections. if ( id!=='unsaved' && newsig!==oldsig ) { ids[ signatures[id]=newsig ] = id; if ( oldsig ) { delete ids[ oldsig ]; // Discard cached skin if the search has changed. section.skin && oldsig.split(';')[2]!==newsig.split(';')[2] && delete section.skin; // This must be a change to an existing menu item, so let's save the menu as a whole. save_menu(); } } if ( opts ) { opts.highlight && highlight_menu_item(id); opts.make_default && ($section_menu.metadata().default_id=id); } }; // Force-initialize the metadata and build the section_matching map. var $sections=$any('links-sections').find('div.title,li'); $sections.add($section_menu).each(function(){ init_metadata(this); }); $('#links-sections-title').metadata().name = "Slashdot"; $sections.each(function(){ update_section(this); }); })(); function highlight_menu_item( section_id ){ return firehose_section_menu_item(section_id).each(function(){ $('#links-sections .active').not(this).removeClass('active'); $( $('h4', this)[0] || this ).addClass('active'); $section_menu.metadata().active_id = section_id; firehose_style_switch(section_id); }); } $any('links-sections'). mousedown(function( event ){ // "activate" a section (immediately) on mousedown in the section menu $(event.originalTarget||event.target). // mouseDown was on this element... closest('li,div.title').not('.active,:has(.active)'). each(function(){ var section = $(this).metadata(); if ( section.id !== 'unsaved' ) { } else { } }); // allow other handlers to run (by not returning false) }). click(function( event ){ // edit only for a click in the edit button var handled; $(event.originalTarget||event.target). // mouseDown was on this element... closest('a.links-sections-edit'). // ...in this edit icon (if any) each(function(){ var id = $(this).closest('li,div.title').metadata().id; id==='unsaved' && (id=void(0)); getModalPrefs('firehoseview', 'Save Custom Section', 0, { id: id }); handled = true; }); return !handled; }); // Drag items in the section-menu to reorder it permanently. $section_menu. sortable({ axis: 'y', containment: '#links-sections', opacity: 0.8, update: save_menu }); $(document). bind('firehose-setting-section', function( e, section_id ){ // Request to change sections is on its way to the server; update the UI now (don't wait for response) var section = highlight_menu_item(section_id).metadata(); $(document). trigger('firehose-setting-setfhfilter', section.filter). trigger('firehose-setting-view', section.viewname). trigger('firehose-setting-color', section.color); }). bind('set-options.firehose', function( e, data ){ // Changing some option (possibly even the 'section' option) if ( !data.select_section ) { // OK, _not_ the 'section' option. Activate a section that matches the new options, or else "unsaved" delete data.id; data = section_matching(data)||data; if ( !data.id ) { var $unsaved = unsaved(); data = $.extend($unsaved.metadata(), data); $(document). one('update.firehose', function( e, updated ){ $unsaved.find('a span').text(updated.local_time); if ( updated.skin ) { data.skin = updated.skin; firehose_style_switch('unsaved'); } }). trigger('unsaved.firehose', data); } } highlight_menu_item(data.id); }); unsaved.template = ( '
  • ' + 'unsaved, "menu", "originaltarget", "var", "blockbust", launched today for the PS3, Xbox 360 and Windows, ending the wait for a sequel to the original 2007 blockbuster. The events in, firehose_exists = 1; $(function(){ $('#firehose-filter'). focus(function(event){ gFocusedText = this; }). blur(function(event){ if ( gFocusedText === this ) { gFocusedText = null; } }); apply_updates_when( 'at-end', true); }); firehose_settings.startdate = ""; firehose_settings.mode = "mixed"; firehose_settings.fhfilter = ""; firehose_settings.orderdir = "DESC"; firehose_settings.orderby = "createtime"; firehose_settings.duration = -1; firehose_settings.color = "green"; firehose_settings.view = "stories"; firehose_settings.viewtitle = "Stories"; firehose_settings.tab = ""; firehose_settings.base_filter = ""; firehose_settings.user_view_uid = ""; firehose_settings.sectionname = "Main"; firehose_settings.issue = ""; firehose_settings.section = 13; $('#searchquery').val(firehose_settings.fhfilter); firehose_sitename = "Slashdot"; firehose_slogan = "News for nerds, stuff that matters"; firehose_update_title_count(); firehose_smallscreen = 0; fh_idle_skin = 1; firehose_settings.index = 1; var firehose_action_time = 0; var firehose_user_class = 0; var fh_color = "green"; fh_colors = [ "red", "orange", "yellow", "green", "blue", "indigo", "violet", "black" ]; var fh_colors_hash = new Array(0); for (var i=0; i< fh_colors.length; i++) { fh_colors_hash[fh_colors[i]] = i; } var fh_view_mode = "mixed"; firehose_settings.page = 0; fh_is_admin = 0; var updateIntervalType = 2; var inactivity_timeout = 3600; setFirehoseAction(); var update_time = "2010-02-09 20:15:53"; var maxtime = "2010-02-09 20:15:53"; var insert_new_at = "top"; firehose_play("init"); fh_adTimerUrl = '/images/iframe/firehose.html'; fh_ticksize = 15; sitename = 'idle.slashdot.org'; //coremetrics, "trigger", is expected to discuss data handling policies and the matching and triggering of events in the privacy context., Events}


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