Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Space means...



it's a Concept


inputs from {"alchemist", Transcendence of this universe is the alchemical goal of the magician. The idea is to leave behind our material universe in order to achieve conscious union with the source of all creation. This process of cosmic unity is the highest aspiration of those that walk the hermetic path. As they transform their lower conscious soul (lead) into a greater vibrational force (gold) they go beyond all that exists physically. This process is achieved by refining consciousness to a point in which it no longer needs to stay attached to a material body. In the process of ascending to a greater realm of existence the alchemist bypasses the process of death and instantly obtains philosophical immortality. This is due in part to the causal relationship between time and death. The alchemist not only transcends space, but time as well, and in doing so he is no longer confined to the temporal properties found in the universe which lead to death., "fractal", 2D/3D Fractal Spaces, "didn", 16. Why didn’t we already go to space?, "build", Chinese Say They're Building "Impossible" Space Drive!, "breakthrough", American Antigravity - Breakthrough Space Tech, "malin", Malin Space Science Systems, "visitor", Special References for Visitors From Space. COM}


outputs to {"time", "drive", "tech", "scienc", "com"}

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